Dress(worn as a skirt): Old Navy (handmedown) Shirt: thrifted Sweater:thrifted Necklace:I made it Flower: I made it |
I really liked this outfit! One of my friends gave me this dress and I love its versatility. Wow I'm trying to think of something to tell y'all about my life and I can think of nothing. Oh wait, yeah about the play, I didn't get a part in Julius Caesar (there was only ONE female part!) but I did get called back for a living history part for the same event, fingers crossed! It's going to be a busy, food filled weekend, I'm trying to decide whether to go to a soccer game tonight, I don't really feel like it though. On Friday night I have a Sunday School party where we're doing make-your-own calzones and candy sundaes, YUM! Saturday I am either going to a soccer tournament or going to hike Pinnacle Mtn. Then on Sunday I am going out to eat and to a movie and then a frozen yogurt shop for a friends birthday so lots of yummy food all weekend! Well lookie there I got like a whole paragraph for y'all to read:)
Sounds like a fun weekend!
I cant wait to see you Sunday!
xoxo Callie
Cardigans are always a WIN! Thanks for sharing on Thrifty Thursday!
darling outfit! and my fingers are crossed for you for the part!!!
Lovely outfit - you look great. I wouldn't have thought to put the blue cardigan with that skirt but it really works. Your hair and the flower is really cute as well
Lakota x
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